The get_post_thumbnail_id()


function in WordPress is used to retrieve the post thumbnail (featured image) ID for a given post. This function takes a post ID as a parameter and returns the ID of the featured image associated with that post.

Here's how you can use get_post_thumbnail_id():

$post_id = 123; // Replace with the actual post ID

// Get the featured image ID for the post
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);

// Check if a featured image is set for the post
if ($thumbnail_id) {
    echo 'The featured image ID for post ' . $post_id . ' is: ' . $thumbnail_id;
} else {
    echo 'No featured image set for post ' . $post_id;

Replace 123 with the actual post ID for which you want to retrieve the featured image ID. If the post has a featured image, get_post_thumbnail_id() will return the ID of that image. If there's no featured image set for the post, it will return null.