要为 WordPress 后台文章添加自定义批量操作,您需要编写自定义插件并在其中添加所需功能。以下是一般步骤:

代码实现为 WordPress 后台文章添加自定义批量操作

  1. 创建插件文件夹:

  2. 创建主插件文件:

  3. 编写插件代码:

    Plugin Name: Custom Bulk Actions
    Plugin URI: http://yourpluginuri.com
    Description: Add custom bulk actions for posts.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI: http://yourauthoruri.com
    // Add custom bulk actions
    function custom_bulk_actions() {
       global $post_type;
       if ('post' == $post_type) {
           echo '';
    add_action('bulk_actionseditpost', 'custom_bulk_actions');
    // Handle custom bulk actions
    function handle_custom_bulk_action($redirect_to, $doaction, $post_ids) {
       if ($doaction == 'custom_action') {
           // Perform your custom action here for the selected post IDs
           // Example: Update post meta, change post status, etc.
           // Redirect to the appropriate page after the action
           $redirect_to = add_query_arg('custom_action', count($post_ids), $redirect_to);
       return $redirect_to;
    add_filter('handle_bulk_actionseditpost', 'handle_custom_bulk_action', 10, 3);
  4. 激活插件:
    登录到 WordPress 后台,转到“插件”页面,并激活您刚刚创建的自定义插件。

现在您应该能够在文章列表的批量操作下拉菜单中看到“Custom Action”选项,并在需要时应用您的自定义批量操作。确保根据您的需求自定义处理函数中的操作。